About EPIC
Empowering Parents In Crisis is a non-government organisation and registered charity.
EPIC Mission
EPIC provides peer support to parents of young people in crisis. EPIC recognises parents as first responders to their children and supports them by creating a safe, non judgemental community that empowers parents with the knowledge, skills and confidence to enable them to best support their young person, their family and themselves.
EPIC Impact
Empowering parents and carers of young people through peer support
EPIC provides connection, knowledge, skills, hindsight and confidence to parents and carers of young people. EPIC collaborates with schools, police, hospitals, family support organisations and the community to demystify pathways to support and create awareness regarding youth mental health.
In the past year, EPIC has connected with 1112 parents via peer phone support, walk/coffee events, forums, meetings, parent programs and training sessions. We have provided 480 phone support calls, hosted 24 walk/coffee events and 45 meetings/forums/trainings.
"Dear EPIC crew, I am a raving fan of your work and the courage and generosity each of you bring to it. Stumbling upon EPIC has been a gift from heaven-above and I am full of gratitude for what you already are and for the way you already do it.”
Meet Team EPIC
Madeleine Steel
Roberta Sowden
Dhana Segaran
Rowena Stulajter
Alec Gardner
Siba Al-Haimus
EPIC Professional Development Programs
EPIC is a leader in peer parent support for parents/carers of young people facing significant challenges. EPIC delivers professional development to equip professionals working with young people with valuable insights. Our training emphasises the importance of building a supportive network that includes families, demonstrating how parent/carer peer support can complement and enhance system-based interventions. Delivered by parents with lived experience, EPIC’s professional development programs provide a deep understanding of the strengths and challenges families face when supporting a young person in crisis, promoting collaboration and stronger support networks around the young person.
EPIC has successfully delivered Professional Development to:
Lifeline NB, August 2024
Hornsby CYMHS Clinical team
Hornsby OSCA Clinical team
Secondary School Teachers and staff in the CoR LGA
YLO Ryde Police
SDECC Clinical Team
Ryde/ Hunters Hill, Northern Beaches & Lower North Shore Youth Interagencies
If you are interested in having EPIC provide professional development for your organization, please contact us for more information.

“Our children are our garden. They absorb our stress, just as they absorb our peace. They absorb our negativity just as they absorb our joy. And we have the power to control what they absorb, but first we must tend to ourselves.” — Rachel Macy Stafford