EPIC Stories
Putting your story into words can be therapeutic, and sharing your story has the power to help others. If you or someone you know has a story that you feel will help others and feel comfortable to have it published on this website, please send it to us via the link below. Please use fictitious names and let us know if you’d like your name published otherwise we will keep it anonymous. Upload your story or comments here.

A mother’s plea: Letter to MP, March 2024
The law needs to change for mental health intervention for children under 18. The statistics state the biggest killer of young men is not road deaths as I thought, but suicide.
Read a mother’s plea to her local MP. Send your experience so we can work together to lobby for change.

If I knew now what I didn't know then ...
It has been gradually creeping up on me, like being covered by a thick heavy blanket that I'm struggling to get out from underneath. First there was opposition, then there were lies & risk taking, with disappearances leading disengagement.

The teenager I have now I don’t recognise
Every other day Facebook serves me a memory. I can share it, but I don’t. It’s too sad; for me anyway. They usually include one or both of my sons, and when it features my eldest, I just want those times back. The teenager I have now I don’t recognise in those memories. Everything about him has changed: his hair; his face; but mostly his behaviour and enthusiasm for life.

Our nightmare began at 11pm, Christmas night, 2019.
Sean, our beloved son, 15 years old with a pocket full of Christmas money jumped out of his bedroom window with a thud!
Empowering Parents in Crisis welcomes all input
If you feel comfortable to share your story or would like to comment on the stories published here, please send via the link below.
On story writing, by an anonymous member:
When I began writing about our teen crisis journey, I cried and cried. It was very emotional. But I just kept writing, and writing ……… and crying. Eventually something changed. I wrote like it wasn’t me. Like looking down from a safe and puffy cloud in the sky. Emotions gone, I wrote what I saw. Then edited, again and again. I read my story now 8 months on, I acknowledge I am not a great writer, although, I acknowledge I was brave to persevere. I’m grateful for the the emotional release writing gifted me. I wonder if one day I will share this particular story with the other characters involved. Maybe a few more edits!
Writing is therapeutic. Sharing helps others realise they are not alone. If you feel comfortable to share your story, please be assured your privacy will be protected. You can email us here or click the “MY EPIC INPUT” button above.