EPIC parent support articles
Following are a selection of articles from to help guide you through your challenging journey with your teen. By sharing information, experiences, problems and possible solutions we hope you find the following helpful, supportive and easier to talk about with others.
Suicide; the unspoken pandemic
It’s the word ‘pandemic’ that is with me today. Having my 18 year old son tell me this morning that the friend he hung out with last year died of an accidental overdose yesterday is incomprehensible.
EPIC connects northern Sydney parents with youth support organisations
On Wednesday 22 June, more than 100 parents, carers, and others interested in the mental health of teenagers, gathered at Roseville Cinema for EPICS’s first community event.
Ethical Decision Making
The ethical decision making model takes the emotion out of a call to action. It makes you STOP, LOOK LEFT, LOOK RIGHT and LOOK LEFT AGAIN, think and consider.
Implementing this method will have you feeling better knowing you are making decisions ethically and with confidence!
Parenting adolescents: building bridges from fear to love
It starts before their birth, doesn’t it? The preoccupation with worrying about a ‘safe enough’ pregnancy, turns into how to protect a wonderfully curious toddler, and then before you know it becomes “how do I keep my teenager safe”?
School suspensions. Is there hope for positive change?
What do you feel when you hear the term ‘school suspension’?
For parents with teens in crisis, who may have experience with student suspensions, this phrase can bring up feelings of rage and frustration.
The heavy weight of judgement
Where do you start when discussing judgement?
As a parent it can be ingrained from the birth of your first child. Are you breast or bottle feeding? Is your child walking at the right age? Can they read before they start school? If not, what did you do wrong as a parent?
Teens with ADHD are being marginalised
Marginalisation of adolescents in high school is becoming more common place. Students suffering from mental illness, including anxiety and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can be targeted when their behaviour or participation does not align with the acceptable parameters for learning within the school environment.
Become confident with boundaries
Boundaries. Some teens respect them, some don’t. For parents, some find it easy to set boundaries and maintain them, while others are inconsistent.
Resilience in Times of Change
While it’s true that we survive by adapting to change, there’s also a subtle, almost secret element that can seem counter intuitive until it’s understood. It turns out that we are vastly more resilient when we surrender our attachment to outcomes, no matter what the challenge.
Staying True to Boundaries Under Pressure
Yesterday I had a win! I wonder if other parents would see it the same. Here’s the scenario:
The Male Perspective
Ok, so we hate to either assume gender difference, or generalise, but when it comes to parenting there seems to be some correlation between gender and approach.
Put your own oxygen mask on first
There’s a lot of advice about raising adolescents out there. Perhaps as parents we’ve heard enough about what we “should be teaching our child” or about the endless list of risk factors necessitating constant vigilance in light of all there is to watch out for.
Working with Young People: Kids are the program
Yesterday sitting in one of Sydney’s lush green parks, I spoke with my friend about meeting the needs of young people. A short distance from where we sat, his youth centre exists to give teens a place to be- and because he is who he is- they are allowed to just be.
We would love to hear your input. Do you have thoughts and/or comments on any of these articles? Can you offer some hindsight from your lived experience or that of a friend or relative. Your EPIC community would love to hear from you. Click the button below to share your insights.