Self Harm & Suicide
The more we understand self harm and suicide, the greater our support will be for those we love should they experience the urge to self harm or suicidal ideation. Here you will find resources, information and strategies to support yourself, your family and your young person.
If there is immediate danger call
Lifeline Australia offer 24/7 crisis support & suicide prevention services,
call 13 11 14, sms 0477 131 114
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
CCNB offer The Way Back Support Service to support people who have recently experience a suicidal crisis or attempted suicide.
Child Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS) provides specialist mental health assessment and intervention to infants, children and young people (under 18 years old, unless still at school) with moderate to severe and complex mental health problems and their families.
Kids Helpline offer free, private confidential 24/7 phone and online counsellng service for young people 5 to 25 on 1800 551 800. Visit their website for information for young people and parents/carers.
Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney offers psychological services telephone crisis support, personal counselling support and treatment groups including the ECLIPSE group for adults who have survived a suicide attempt and suicide bereavement groups.
Lifeline Northern Beaches offer 24 hour crisis support, face to face counselling, youth counselling and supports groups including suicide bereavement groups.
SANE is for people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities. SANE offer a helpline, online chat, community forums and resources. The website offers strategies to have a conversation with someone who may be suicidal. Read the ‘Better off with you’ tab which has real stories of people with experiences of suicidal thoughts and actions.
Headspace - Understanding self harm YouTube video and furter information.
Headspace - Understanding and dealing with suicide.
Life in MindLife in Mind is a knowledge exchange portal providing translated evidence, policy, data and resources in suicide prevention and host of the National Communications Charter.
Mindframeis an excellent resouorce that provides communication strategies, data and evidence based research. Mindframe supports safe media reporting, portrayal and communication about suicide, mental ill-health, alcohol and other drugs.
Minds Together has a fantastic online program for family and friends supporting someone who has attempted suicide.
ReachOut This page, Suicide and Teenagers has information and strategies for parents/carers concerned about their teen. It has links to a forum post that is responded to by professionals.
RightByYou is designed for young people, by young people. Today’s young people are on the frontline of seeing their friends show varying signs of suicidal thoughts. Our focus is on supporting and guiding young people on how to help their friends. We offer practical resources and key information about what to do when a friend may be expressing thoughts of suicide.
raisingchildren.net.auprovides a wealth of information for parents. Click this link for information for parents relating to self-harm and this link for information relating to suicidal thoughts and suicide attemptsSANE is for people with recurring, persistent or complex mental health issues and trauma, and for their families, friends and communities. SANE offer a helpline, online chat, community forums and resources. The website offers strategies to have a conversation with someone who may be suicidal. Read the ‘Better off with you’ tab which has real stories of people with experiences of suicidal thoughts and actions.
Sydney North Health Network Suicide Prevention Services Guide. A guide to community-based prevention services in the Northern Sydney Region.
Being Well by Black Dog Institute Sharing inspiration through the words of people with a lived experience of mental health. In this podcast series Black Dog Institute have invited people we know and admire to tell their stories. These are people who may not have made the headlines, but whose stories are just as worthy of your attention as those you hear in the media.
EPIC Conversation: Self harm and suicide ideation with Man Anchor
Not Alone by Beyond Blue When it comes to mental health, we all have our own unique stories to tell. But no matter what we are going through, there are other people experiencing it too. A podcast where everyday Australians talk about their mental health journey to help you with yours.
Lifeline Harbour to Hawkesbury Sydney the ECLIPSE group is for adults who have survived a suicide attempt and The Suicide Bereavement group is for those impacted by suicide.
Lifeline Northern Beaches offer the Lounge Chat Support Group for those caring for a suicidal person. The group provides a safe space to share and be supported in a confidential environment with others who are also caring for a relative who feel suicidal.
EPIC Community EPIC provides regular walks, peer meetings, phone support, face book connection and more. Many members have experienced their young people self harming and experiencing suicidal ideation. This is peer support where parents share their experiences, resources and knowledge.
Remember these 4 d’s as a strategy to support someone considering self harm or suicide for a short term alternative until help arrives or treatment commences.
What have you found helpful in your journey with your young person? Please share your resources, wisdom and hindsight here: