EPIC Community Input
Let's take the stigma out of being a parent/carer of a young person in crisis and make this a platform to share stories, feelings, resources and help each other navigate the teen crisis road. Practical suggestions we would love to hear about are:
Your journey and coping strategies
Teen in Crisis stories and/or perspectives
Sibling stories and or perspectives
Helpful organisations and support groups
Fundraising suggestions to help us make a difference to parents and work with schools and community organisationsSuggestions to help empower parents with teens in crisis
Please reach out! Parenting a struggling teen can be a lonely road. There’s loads of information from professionals but little from those who have walked or are walking this path. We would LOVE to hear from you, others would love to hear form you. To send you input, simply fill in the form below or email email us directly at contact@empoweringparentsincrisis.com :)
We take complaints seriously. If you feel that EPIC has had a negative impact on your wellbeing, or the wellbeing of a family member or person you know, we would like to hear about it. Your complaint will be confidential and received with respect. Please email, call or sms your concern.
We will provide a safe space for you to tell us what you experienced and work with you to decide what is the most positive outcome we can reach for you.
If you are not happy with the way EPIC has managed your concern or complaint you can take the matter to the NSW Ombudsman on:
Phone: 02 9286 1000 or 1800 451 524
Email: nswomb@ombo.nsw.gov.au